Nice to meet you.
My story
I can’t remember the first time I felt anxious, or when I first acknowledged that caring for others seemed to come naturally to me. Being a health practitioner was a childhood dream, but my interest in mental health was sparked with an undergraduate first year psychology course and grew out of necessity as I found myself supporting friends and family through difficult times and mental health crises. My private practice has focused on mental health since 2014, offering trauma-sensitive and more accessible care to our community here in Guelph.
Outside of the office
Being in and contributing to community is key for my mental health and I spend a good deal of my time with loved ones, at community events, or outdoors basking in nature. Biking is my main mode of transport and I’ve been obsessed with knitting since I first learned how to at the age of six (knitters: find me on ravelry!). I’m lactose intolerant (despite growing up in a family of cheese importers), and often add meat and eggs to vegan dishes. I adore Guelph, never before have I felt so connected to a wider community, to a city. Come say hi if you spot me in downtown or on a forest trail!